Mistakes in Cholesterol: Nowadays, due to the hectic life and not paying enough attention to the fitness of the body, the problem of increasing cholesterol has become common.

Doctors say that if the amount of bad cholesterol in the body increases, then it should never be ignored.

If you make 4 big mistakes during this time, then we can be at risk of heart attack, type 2 diabetes and stroke.

Due to which your life may also have to be red. Let us tell you in detail what mistakes we should not do when cholesterol increases.

These mistakes can be heavy when cholesterol increases

If the amount of bad cholesterol in your body increases, then smoking should be stopped immediately.

If your cholesterol is found to be increased in the test, then immediately distance yourself from junk foods.

Many people initially start drinking alcohol as a hobby in marriage but later they get addicted to it.

If you want the diseases to stay away from your body, then start walking for 2 kilometers daily and doing light exercise today.

By exercising, your increased cholesterol comes under control and the body starts working properly.